Rewind Trauma Therapy, one of the advantages in treating the symptoms of PTSD is that it’s a carefully measured and controlled way to explore traumatic memories. The person with PTSD can spool back through time, without revealing sensitive or private details of their trauma.
Be free from Trauma now
The main benefit in Rewind Therapy is that it is a non disclosure therapy. This means that the therapist doesn’t hear the details of the traumatic event that the client is seeking treatment to address. Only the most minimal information is spoken about in session, with the overall biggest benefit being a minimal risk to the client of being re-traumatised!
- Single Event Traumas – This is where there is one main one off event, such as Road Traffic Accidents, Muggings, Burglaries, Death, Fire or Loss.
- Multiple Event / Complex Traumas – includes but not limited to combat/combat stress, sexual abuse and domestic violence, any trauma where there is more than one kind of event.
How effective is the Rewind Trauma Therapy?
I have been using the rewind technique for approximately five years now and have been absolutely amazed with the results. Clients have reported a marked improvement with their anxiety-related symptoms, and often tell me that they feel like they have a new relationship with their old traumatic memories. The great thing about this technique is that it is completely safe and does not come with the risks of re-traumatising the client, unlike some talking therapies.
In my experience, the rewind technique is a versatile treatment. It can be used as a stand-alone treatment for phobias, such as fear of flying, which normally requires one-two sessions. Or, it can be used for more complex multiple trauma, such as sexual abuse or assault which can sometimes work better when integrated with ongoing talking therapy.
“The Rewind ” (Closure Without Disclosure) for adults and children
Besides being safe, quick and painless, the technique has the advantage of being non-voyeuristic. Intimate or painfully upsetting details do not have to be made public. This reduces the distress for the client, and also helps protect the therapist from the possibility of being vicariously traumatised themselves when retraumatising particularly disturbing events.
When someone suffers flashbacks, panic attacks, phobic responses, or high levels of anxieties, a small part of the brain called the amygdala is responsible. This is part of the brain which helps activate the fight/flight response when we are in danger. If the ‘fear’ is trapped in the amygdala (there are a number of reason why this might happen) then any trigger can cause the fear feelings to rise again. The Rewind Therapy allows another part of the brain called the hippocampus to calm the amygdala down and allow the experience/event which caused the fear to become a ‘normal’ memory and therefore cause no more Panic, anxiety or flashbacks.
Case Histories
You can find some case histories here. Be ready to discover how powerful the Rewind Therapy is.
There is no need to struggle !
The Rewind Therapy is one of the most powerful singular therapy techniques known. It has been used successfully thousands of times to help remove phobias and anxieties, to settle and remove PTSD symptoms from trauma, and can also be used to help remove the negative emotions from memories or experiences such as arguments with spouses or work colleagues, or even disturbing events seen in real life or on news reports.

If you would like more information on the Rewind Technique, visit the International Association for Rewind Trauma Therapy by clicking here
The Rewind offers a way of permanently stopping the involuntary recall by filing the traumatic event so it comes under control. Voluntary recall remains.
The benefits of non disclosure include:
- Minimizing the risk of the client being re-traumatized.
- There is no fear of disclosing sensitive information e.g. In the case of servicemen, for example, about deployment.
- For survivors of rape and sexual abuse the benefit of not having to disclose details of the event to a stranger is self-evident
- Minimizing the risk to the counsellor of developing compassion fatigue, particularly for those therapists involved with heavy workloads.